If you have ever had sciatica as a result of sciatic nerve compression, then you know that the symptoms can be debilitating. They include severe pain in the hip and buttocks that can radiate into your leg and foot. In addition to pain, sciatic nerve compression can also cause numbness, tingling, limited range of motion, and impaired mobility. While prescription pain medications can help ease your symptoms, they can cause severe side effects and may be inappropriate for long-term use. Instead, your chiropractor may recommend the following to effectively relieve your symptoms. 

Nutritional Counseling Interventions

Proper nutrition may play an important role in relieving symptoms of sciatica caused by sciatic nerve compression. When sciatic nerve pain strikes it is usually because it is compressed by an inflamed surrounding structure. While oral corticosteroids can help dampen the inflammation, they can cause significant adverse reactions. Because of this, your chiropractor may recommend including certain foods into your daily meal plan including omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in mackerel, tuna, and salmon.

Omega-3 fatty acids inhibit inflammation and can reduce sciatic nerve pain. When the structures that are compressing the sciatic nerve are no longer inflamed, your pain, numbness, and tingling will subside. Other nutrients that may help relieve sciatic nerve pain include vitamin C because it helps promote healing, and magnesium because it helps relax muscles and enhance blood flow to painful or injured areas. While it is recommended that you get your nutrients from the foods you eat, if you are unable to fulfill your recommended daily allowances of the aforementioned nutrients, your chiropractor may recommend over-the-counter dietary supplements. 

Chiropractic Manual Adjustments

Manual adjustments of the spine can also help diminish symptoms from sciatic nerve compression. Chiropractic manual adjustments help promote circulation, relax muscles, and decrease inflammation. Chiropractic adjustments help correct certain misalignments of the spine, which often helps to relieve pressure on your sciatic nerve. Manual adjustments may also promote relaxation so that you can enjoy uninterrupted sleep. Sciatic nerve pain can prevent restorative sleep patterns which may further promote pain. While you may notice a significant improvement in your symptoms after your initial adjustment, multiple sessions may be recommended to ensure a complete resolution of your symptoms.

If you experience symptoms as a result of sciatic nerve compression, make an appointment with your chiropractor. After a comprehensive medical history and chiropractic physical examination, they will recommend the best treatment plan suited to your individual needs.  
