People considering rhinoplasty surgery for cosmetic reasons or to correct a deviated septum will have preoperative consultations with their cosmetic surgeons. During this time, the surgeon will review preoperative and post-operative instructions with the patient, and instruct him or her on how to handle potential complications. If you are considering rhinoplasty surgery, be sure to discuss the following with your reconstructive surgeon prior to your procedure date.

Nasal Polyps

If you are a frequent aspirin user, you may have developed a benign condition inside your nose known as nasal polyps. These growths are typically caused by long-term use of aspirin or taking high doses of aspirin. Because nasal polyps can cause severe nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, bleeding, and loss of smell, they may need to be removed prior to your rhinoplasty surgery because these symptoms can slow your recovery.

If you continue to take aspirin after your nasal polyps have been removed, new ones may form. Have a conversation with your cosmetic surgeon to determine if you should have your nasal polyps removed prior to your rhinoplasty surgery. If the surgeon feels that you should have the growths removed prior to your cosmetic procedure, he or she may refer you to an ear, nose, and throat, or ENT, surgeon for further evaluation and treatment. 

Food Allergies

If you have food allergies, you may experience chronic sinus infections, nasal congestion, sneezing, watery eyes, and an itchy nose. You will need to discuss your food allergies with your cosmetic surgeon because allergy symptoms may lead to complications during your rhinoplasty recovery period. If you do not get treatment for your allergies prior to your cosmetic nasal procedure, you may experience difficulty breathing and bleeding.

Also, food allergies may also heighten your risk for developing a post-operative infection after your rhinoplasty surgery. While your cosmetic surgeon can recommend treatment options to help manage your food allergies, he or she may refer you to an allergist before your surgery date to help ensure that your allergies will not pose a threat to your rhinoplasty surgery recovery.

If you have nasal polyps or food allergies, talk to your surgeon before you are scheduled to have your procedure. The more your surgeon knows about your medical history, the less likely you will be to experience problems during your recovery period such as infection, severe nasal congestion, bleeding, excessive swelling of your sinuses, and an increase in pain. 

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