Occupational therapy is often thought of as being linked to the prevention of workplace injury. While the principles of occupational therapy can be beneficial in reducing injury at work, these same principles can be utilized by your child to help ensure proper growth and development.

Children have occupations. These occupations are not to earn an income but to achieve independence in their day-to-day lives. An occupational therapist can help make sure your child is on the right development track.

Self-Care Skill Development

It is important for children to learn how to do basic tasks themselves. These self-care tasks help foster feelings of independence that your child can build upon in the future. Getting dressed alone is a major milestone that many children strive for.

An occupational therapist can help a child who struggles with getting dressed develop the sequencing, motor skills, and other skills required to maneuver buttons, snaps, and other fasteners with ease. Your child will be less frustrated when completing his or her morning routine and have the confidence needed to tackle other self-care tasks.

Readiness for School

Once your child reaches school age, he or she will spend a significant portion of the day inside the classroom. School becomes your child's job, and an occupational therapist can help ensure your child is ready for the demands of the classroom.

One of the most important things an occupational therapist can do for your child is to assist in the development of writing skills. The ability to write well will play a role in your child's educational success. An occupational therapist can conduct specialized exercises to help your child develop the strength and coordination needed to grasp a pencil properly.

Play Engagement

A child needs to engage in regular play. Playtime does more than just stave off boredom; it can be critical in developing motor, cognitive, and social interaction skills. Some children have a hard time manipulating toys. This lack of control can impede a child's ability to fully engage in quality play.

Occupational therapists are able to work with your child to foster the hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and strength needed to manually control toys during playtime.

Don't assume that your child is too young to need the help of an occupational therapist. Occupational therapy can help your child find creative ways to gain personal confidence, develop important skills, and successfully engage with the world around them.

For more information, get in touch with a company such as Levi Hospital.
