Suspecting that you have an STD can be an embarrassing thing, but seeking out the right treatment will stop it from being a serious illness that you spread to others. Here are some steps to take when you think you might have a sexually transmitted disease. 

Limit Sexual Activity

Until you know what type of illness you have, it's important to limit sexual activity. Passing an STD back and forth between partners creates an impossible situation to treat, since neither partner can get a full isolation and treatment. 

Note Your Symptoms

Take note of what your symptoms are before you schedule any medical attention. This will help you get the correct testing and diagnosis on the first try. In addition to pain or bumps, pay attention to whether or not you have a fever, fatigue, or respiratory symptoms.

Get Tested

Testing is available at many drop-in clinics at a subsidized rate, so you won't need to schedule a doctor's appointment and pay a hefty copay. Your doctor will want to know what your symptoms are so that they can order the right tests. Some STDs, such as genital herpes, can be diagnosed just by looking at the areas, since these have a well-recognized appearance. Depending on what they suspect at the clinic, they might need to have you do a blood or urine test as well, which means that you might need to wait a few days to get your test results back. 

Notify Partners

You may be dreading telling your recent partners that you contracted an STD. But it's the courteous thing to do, since some STDs can seriously affect a person's reproductive health if they are left untreated. If you don't want to have those conversations yourself, some health services offer an option to notify partners for you when you are diagnosed with an STD. 

Get Treatment

Your STD treatment will depend on the type of STD you have, but there are some commonalities. Some diseases, like chlamydia, can be treated with a round of strong antibiotics. Others may be lifelong. If you are prescribed a drug to treat your STD, it's a good idea to get retested after you complete the prescription to make sure the STD treatment worked. Modern medicine has come a long way in STD treatment, but it's all about taking those first steps to get the right treatment. 

Contact a facility that provides treatment for STDs for additional info.
